National Day of Prayer! PRAY for the UNBORN

A Person is a Person ~ No Matter How Small!

God means what He says and says what He means! My hermeneutics are “literal”, however, that being said…study the scriptures yourself and make up your own mind! Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit…

This coming Thursday is a National Day of Prayer and I am praying today and everyday that the American people will send their prayers to Heavenly Father to stop our country from the sin of abortion! To stop the taking of the most innocent lives on this planet!

It was a heartbreaking day when the decision in favor of Roe vs Wade was made. Back in 1973, I don’t believe that as a whole, the American people had any idea of what this meant in regard to our standing as a nation in the eyes of God!

Look at the times we are living in! People are afraid to die, yet they selfishly have chosen to be a society that allow the death of a child in the womb. During this time of concern that the people of the our country have been experiencing because of Covid-19, we hear their cries of frustration as they have been afraid to go outside or to work and sick of the quarantine. People have been Afraid of the numbers of the deaths as they mount up. Afraid, afraid, afraid!!! It completely confounds me that people are so outraged and afraid…

I’d come to believe that as a society we’d become numb to death, even embracing it. Between TV, Movies and Video games, we are entertained by death! More often than not, there are times that it seems as if this country has little or no respect for life and especially little or no concern for the the UNBORN!

Other than the life of His perfect Son in place of our sinful lives, I believe that truly the most precious gift that Heavenly Father has ever bestowed upon man is our children.

I’m sickened that the killing of innocent life has been transformed into politics instead of the morality that leads us to Godliness. As a nation, our compasses no longer point to truth…to the Word of God. Many who claim they are Christians and say they don’t believe in abortion, continue to support the rights of women to choose the death sentence for their child. Because of their support the politics of the country shoves abortion upon those of us who are pro-life.

God makes it perfectly clear that He hates the shedding of innocent blood, so I’m speaking up! We all should speak up, because if we don’t, we are allowing others to be led astray…away from God when he’s beckoning us to him. Do you want to shepherd people to God or away from God? What does it say about you and your walk with Him? Are you’re unwilling to rebuke wrong when you see it…bring it to the world’s attention? Rebuking is not the same as judging…God is the judge, but we are required to show our fellowman the right path to Him.

So, all that being said, I ask you…where’s the outrage and alarm when we talk about the number of babies who die every day from abortion? Just in the USA, there are 71+ abortions per hour! How many have given a second thought to the millions of innocent lives that we’ve taken by the abortion industry? Just in the USA, there are 61.8 million since 1973? These figures don’t take into account the number of chemical abortions!

Talk about a PANDEMIC! WE – here in the USA have been experiencing the abortion pandemic for nearly 50 years! There are those who say that abortion has been around forever and I realize that’s the case, but it’s only been this last 50 years that it’s become not only okay, but the thing to do in our country…any excuse is accepted as the right of the woman to choose death for the child in her womb. More and more people say that it’s not their problem…I’m here to say that in my opinion, it’s most likely the shedding of innocent blood that will end this world!

Don’t you know that abortion is the leading cause of death around the world? This article I’m writing isn’t about statistics, but if you don’t know them you should, then you need to wake up to how devastating these numbers are: More than 42 million abortions took place globally in 2019 according to the tracking service Worldometers, once again finding abortion to be the single largest cause of death across the planet for the year (figures provided by WHO).

As Christians, we have to stand up against this Pandemic, this holocaust against the unborn! We have to make our voices heard!

Psalms 94:16 Who stands up for me against the wicked? Who takes a stand for me against evildoers?

If we don’t stand up, I believe that we are going to experience the Wrath of GOD unlike anything that this planet has ever experienced…how much longer do you think he’s going to put up with the shedding of innocent blood?

I recognize that to a degree, I am repeating myself, but I can’t scream loud enough! Abortion is a despicable and reprehensible act against the most helpless of our world and it’s spread unlike any disease has ever spread in the history of the world! If abortion is an abomination to me…what must it be to God? I do wonder how long it will be before Heavenly Father pours out His wrath upon us? How long before He says He can no longer stand our heathen, pagan ways! How long before He destroys us ALL!

We deserve every ounce of wrath that He has stored up in His bowls. Especially, here in America, where over the last 50 years, we’ve slowly but surely degraded to the point of hideousness! In a land where His gifts have been plentiful…unlike any other land on this planet. But His gifts haven’t been enough! Everything about us is disgusting: our entertainment, the way we dress, the way we talk, the way we squander the gifts that have been given us…our government, our wars, our self righteous attitude toward the rest of the world. Talk about inciting a fall from Grace… I believe that as a nation – WE ARE THERE!!!

When you’re thinking that you don’t have to worry because you believe in God…perhaps you have a misunderstanding about what belief in God means. Maybe people think they believe, but in truth, they do not. There’s a huge difference between believing in God and serving and obeying God.

James 2:19-20 (KJV) 19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

Author: Grace ~ DLM

Jesus is first in my life, and as a result, my existence in this world is bearable; I want nothing less than every day of my life to bring Him glory. I'm in continuous watch and prayer for Him to come again. My desire is to share the Kingdom of God with anyone who will listen...time is short...He's coming soon! I love the beauty of the planet He created for humanity. I know that some day when He comes again He'll destroy it, but in the meantime I do my best to treat His gift with respect. I love people, animals, birds, trees (I'm a tree hugger), flowers (roses are my favorite), the snow, the rain, the wind, and the sunshine. I realize how blessed I am to be living now and also blessed to be born in a country that allows freedom of speech and religion! Free to share my thoughts and illumination. I also realize that there are consequences to everything that I share with you, so I'll always ask for God's wisdom while writing and before I publish. ALL questions are welcome! I can't promise I'll be able to give you the answer you want, but I'll answer honestly and with scriptures from the Bible. I use both the KJV and the HCSB as my resources.

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