Jesus – Yeshua’s Last Passover or “Last Supper”

***All Jewish days go from Sunset to Sunset… this makes it difficult for those of us who are orientated to the Gregorian calendar and not the the Judean Calendar. I will try to help you understand…

Nisan 13 (March 26th) started at sunset on March 25th until sunset of the 26th.

Last evening just after sunset, my husband and I ate the a commemorative “Last Supper” of Jesus and his disciples. We ate fish, romaine lettuce with bitter dressing, dill pickle, olives and leavened bread and wine. (we believe that leaven bread was eaten at this meal because ALL leavening must be removed from the house (premises) before the feast of Unleavened bread starts on the 15th of Nisan. We’ve been told all of our lives: “to waste not is to want not” (not scriptural).

Nisan 14 (March 27th) started at sunset on March 26th until sunset of the 27th.

Today, my husband and I are reading scriptures and remembering the period of time that is referred to today as the Passion of Christ. The time before his crucifixion and the day of his crucifixion. As I write this (PST), we are well into the 3 hours of darkness that started at the 6th hour and waiting for the 9th hour when Jesus – Yeshua gave up the ghost.

I’ve been wanting to share this with the readers of this blog for quite some time. I’m not going to tell you that it has anything to do with Salvation as I honestly don’t know…although I’m going to tell you that it has everything to do with truth. We can’t understand the times when Jesus – Yeshua walked on this earth if we don’t understand and recognize the customs that were practiced during His time. Once we recognize the correct timing, it also changes the time of His resurrection from our traditional custom of “Easter”.

ALL Scriptures taken from the TLV – Tree of Life Version (TLV is a new Bible translation produced by Messianic Jewish and Christian Scholars.)

The Passover is to be celebrated at the close of Nisan 14th, which is in March or April ( Ex. 12:128 & Lev. 23:47) .

All throughout the Bible we find Passover being celebrated, including by Yeshua and His disciples. Upon reading about Yeshua’s last Passover, it seems as if Matthew 26:17 , Mark 14:12 , and Luke 22:78 are saying that the Last Supper was a Passover Seder, eaten at the end of Nisan 14th.

But John 13:12 & 18:28 indicates that the Last Supper was not the Seder because it was eaten a night earlier, at the beginning of Nisan 14th. To find the answer we need to look closely at the Gospels and a Galilean Jewish tradition.

The Gospels and Yeshua’s last Passover

Matthew 26:35 and Mark 14:2 both state that the leaders who conspired to have Yeshua put to death did not want His death to occur “ during the feast , lest there be an uproar among the people”.

Luke 22:15-16
“(15) And He said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. (16) For I tell you, I will never eat it again until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.” TLV

After the last lamb was sacrificed on the evening of 14th (before the Seder) the High Priest would say “ it is finished . ”

John 19:30 “When Yeshua tasted the sour wine, He said, “ It is finished !” And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.” TLV

The Galilean Jewish Tradition for Passover

The Mishnah records that Galilean Jews had a different tradition than the Judean Jews for celebrating Passover. This Galilean tradition is very important for understanding the Gospels telling of Yeshua’s “Last Supper” with His disciples. For the Galilean Jews, Nisan 13th was preparation day for Passover, not the Nisan 14th. All preparation for the Feast was finished by the start of Nisan 14th. Matthew 26:2 and Mark 14:1 could be referring to this tradition when it says in “two days is the Passover ” (Nisan 13th). Then the celebration of the Passover started at the beginning of Nisan 14th with a traditional “Last Supper” before the start of the Fast Of The Firstborn (Ta’anit Bechorot). This fast was a tradition for all firstborn males in order to remember the tenth plague that came upon Egypt in the book of Exodus. The fast was to be broken with the Passover Seder at the close of Nisan 14th or Nisan 15th

Yeshua’s Last Supper

Yeshua was the firstborn of Mary and Joseph. Both Yeshua and the disciples were Galilean Jews. Therefore they followed the tradition to prepare for Passover on Nisan 13th and keep the Fast Of The Firstborn with a “Last Supper”at the start of Nisan 14th. Prayer is a very important part of fasting, so after the Last Supper, Yeshua and the disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. Therefore Yeshua’s Last Supper was a traditional way that He started the Passover celebration each year, not the Seder as we know it today. That year Yeshua used the traditional Last Supper to show His disciples a new revelation about Him known today as the Lord’s Supper or Communion ( Matt. 26:2628;
Mark 14:2224; Luke 22:1920; 1 Cor. 11:2325). He also taught at the “Last Supper” that the Master is the Servant and that we’re all to Love one another as He loved us.

Today, Judaism has placed the Galilean last supper meal within the Seder, not the night before. But some in Judaism still keep this traditional way of starting the Passover with a last supper meal the night before the Seder and then the fast. In Closing Chronological order of the Last Supper and Crucifixion
(1.) On Nisan 13th, Yeshua and His disciples kept the Galilean preparation day for the Passover.
(2.) At sunset, the start of Nisan 14th, Yeshua and the disciples had the traditional Galilean “Last Supper” before the start of the traditional “Fast Of The Firstborn”.
(3.) The next afternoon, still on Nisan 14th, Yeshua was crucified at the exact time that the lambs was being sacrificed for the Passover Seder.
(4.) At sunset, the start of Nisan 15th when the Passover Seder was to be eaten, Yeshua (sinless and unleavened) was placed in the tomb at the start of the week long Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover), fulfilling these Feasts.

Thank you to

A Person is a Person ~ No Matter How Small!

God means what He says and says what He means! My hermeneutics are “literal”, however, that being said…study the scriptures yourself and make up your own mind! Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit…

During this warranted time of concern that the world’s people are experiencing because of COVID-19, we hear their frustration as they are afraid to go outside or to work and are sick of the quarantine. Afraid of the number of deaths as they mount up around the world. Afraid, afraid, afraid!!! It completely amazes me that people are so outraged and afraid. I thought as a society; we’d become numb to death more often than not; there are times when it seems as if the world has little respect for life: the unborn, the sick, and the aged.

Much to my dismay, people have even allowed political views to express death wishes to their fellowman if they disagree with their stand on an issue. Sadly, the world, overall, has gone crazy! For me personally, I’m sickened that the killing of innocent lives has been transformed into politics instead of the morality that leads us to Godliness. As a nation, our compasses no longer point to truth! We no longer look to the Word for the truth of God. Many of those who claim that they are Christians and don’t believe in abortion continue to support the politics of this world that shoves abortion upon those of us who are pro-life. God makes it clear that He hates the shedding of innocent blood, so I’m speaking up! We all should speak up because if we don’t, we allow others to be led astray away from God when he’s beckoning us to him. Do you want to shepherd people to God or away from God? What does it say about you and your walk with Him? Are you unwilling to rebuke wrong when you see it bring it to the world’s attention? Rebuking is not the same as judging. God is the judge, but we are required to show our fellowman the right path to Him.

So, all that being said, I ask you. Where’s the outrage and alarm when we talk about the number of babies who die every day from abortion? Just in the USA, there are 71+ abortions per hour! How many have given a second thought to the millions of innocent lives that we’ve taken by the abortion industry? In the USA alone, there have been 61.8 million since 1973. These figures don’t take into account the number of chemical abortions!

Talk about a PANDEMIC! We – the USA – and the World have been experiencing the abortion pandemic for nearly 50 years! Some say that abortion has been around forever, and I realize that’s the case. Still, it’s only been the last 50 years that it’s become okay and the thing to do in our country and worldwide. Any excuse is accepted as the right of the woman to choose death for the child in her womb. More and more people say that it’s not their problem… I’m here to say it’s most likely the shedding of innocent blood that will end this world! Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good

and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Don’t you know that abortion is the leading cause of death around the world? This article I’m writing isn’t about statistics. Still, suppose you can’t tell them you should. In that case, you need to wake up to how devastating these numbers are: More than 42 million abortions took place globally in 2019, according to the tracking service Worldometers, once again finding abortion to be the single most significant cause of death across the planet for the year (figures provided by WHO).

This next piece of info is cut and pasted from an article written by SNOPES! So argue the numbers if you’re inclined to, but Snopes won’t back you up this time! However, the most recent figure on abortions from WHO we could locate dated from 2014 and was slightly higher than Worldometer’s tally. WHO estimated that between 2010 and 2014, an average of 56 million induced abortions occurred worldwide each year. If WHO’s estimate of 56 million abortions annually held steady through 2016, when they released their survey on the top ten leading causes of death globally, it would be true that the number of abortions worldwide outnumbered overall deaths from heart disease and stroke, the top two causes of death that year. In 2016, ischemic heart disease and stroke killed a total of 15.2 million people worldwide, according to WHO, noting that “These diseases have remained the leading causes of death globally in the last 15 years.” Snopes likes to say that abortion isn’t a cause of death. I don’t know what they’re talking about!!! Do YOU? If you do, I’ll pray for you to see the “LIGHT” 1 abortion is one too many!

As Christians, we have to stand up against this holocaust! We have to make our voices heard! Psalms 94:16 Who stands up for me against the wicked? Who takes a stand for me against evildoers? From reading the Scriptures, I believe that the Wrath of GOD, nothing short of anything that this planet has ever experienced, is on the horizon…along with all the other ailments of humanity; how much longer do you think he’s going to put up with the shedding of innocent blood?

Abortion is a despicable and reprehensible act against the most helpless of our world, and it’s spread, unlike any disease that has ever spread in the history of the world! If abortion is an abomination to me, what must it be to God? I wonder how long it will be before Heavenly Father proceeds with His plan to pour out His wrath upon planet Earth! How long before He says He can no longer stand our heathen, pagan ways! How long before He allows us to destroy ourselves completely? The human race deserves every ounce of wrath that He has stored in His bowls. Here in America, where over the last 50 years, we’ve slowly but surely degraded to the point of hideousness! In a land where his gifts have been plentiful – unlike any other land on this planet. As a nation, everything about us is disgusting: our entertainment, the way we dress, the way we talk, the way we squander the gifts that our government, our wars, and our self-righteous attitude toward the rest of the world have given us. Talk about inciting a fall from Grace. I believe that, as a nation – WE HAVE FALLEN!!!

So the next time you flippantly say, “My Body – My Choice” or “Her Body – Her Choice,” remember who made you and in whose image you were made. Then, profess that it’s okay to kill a baby made in the image of God!