“Heavenly Father is in Control”!

Have no fear…

In a world filled with uncertainty and countless variables, it’s comforting to know that Heavenly Father is in control. With every twist and turn, every triumph and tribulation, His unwavering presence reminds us that there is a divine plan at work. Even when life feels chaotic and overwhelming, we can find solace in the knowledge that Heavenly Father’s hands guide us and His wisdom directs our paths. We may not always understand His ways, but we can trust in His perfect timing and infinite knowledge. As we surrender our burdens and fears to Him, we can rest assured that He is working all things together for our good. In Heavenly Father’s control lies a peace that surpasses understanding, a strength that carries us through the storms, and a love that never fails.

Scriptures KJV (King James Version of the Bible)

Heavenly Father’s Sovereignty: Biblical Proof of His Control

Within the pages of the Bible, numerous instances unfold, revealing Heavenly Father’s sovereignty and ultimate control over all creation. Drawing on these biblical accounts, we can find compelling evidence that Heavenly Father has always been and will always be in control.

In the Book of Genesis, we encounter the majestic account of Heavenly Father’s creation. By His divine word and will, Heavenly Father spoke everything into existence. From the vastness of the universe to the intricacies of life, Heavenly Father’s power is unquestionably displayed. This reveals His absolute control over the cosmos and existence itself.

  • Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

Heavenly Father’s Providence:
In numerous passages, the Bible emphasizes that Heavenly Father intricately weaves His plan of providence through every aspect of nature and human history. No circumstance or accident can thwart His sovereign will. Even Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his brothers, acknowledged Heavenly Father’s ultimate control, stating that what his brothers meant for harm, Heavenly Father  intended for good (Genesis 50:20). Heavenly Father’s control extends even to the seemingly insignificant details of our lives.

  • Proverbs 16:9 “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”

The Exodus and Nations:
The account of the Exodus showcases Heavenly Father ‘s utter control over the destiny of nations. The might of Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, was no match for Heavenly Father’s power and plan. Despite numerous attempts to oppress and annihilate the Israelites, Heavenly Father intervened with miraculous displays of His authority and led His people to freedom. This event symbolizes Heavenly Father’s dominion over the rise and fall of nations, unceasingly working out His purposes.

  • Exodus 9:16 “And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to shew in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.”

Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection:
The pinnacle of Heavenly Father’s control is witnessed in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Despite the apparent triumph of evil forces, Heavenly Father remained in control, orchestrating His plan of redemption for humanity. The resurrection of Jesus not only affirms His victory over sin and death but also emphasizes Heavenly Father’s ultimate control over the most powerful forces in existence.

Biblical Proof of Heavenly Father’s Control: Acts 2:24
In Acts 2:24 The scripture states, “Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.” A powerful declaration is made that provides biblical proof of Heavenly Father’s unwavering control over the events of the world. This verse, which speaks of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, serves as a clear testament to Heavenly Father’s sovereignty and control over life and death. Death, commonly seen as the ultimate finality, was unable to maintain its grip on Jesus Christ because it was impossible to hold Him captive.

The resurrection of Jesus is a pivotal event in Christianity, the foundation of our Christian faith, for it not only signifies victory over death but also highlights Heavenly Father’s dominion over all things, including the grave. It demonstrates that even death, an inevitable and formidable force, is ultimately subject to Heavenly Father’s will and control. Throughout the Bible, we find numerous instances where Heavenly Father’s control is evident. From the creation of the universe to the preservation of his chosen people, Heavenly Father’s hand is consistently at work, orchestrating events according to his divine plan. Acts 2:24 offers us a specific event, the resurrection of Jesus, to exemplify this control.

The resurrection carries profound spiritual significance, providing hope and reassurance to believers. It affirms that Heavenly Father has the power to overcome the forces of darkness, to conquer sin, and to restore life where it was once lost. It demonstrates Heavenly Father’s control not just over life and death but also over the redemption and salvation of humanity.

This verse reminds us that in the face of death’s relentless grip, Heavenly Father’s power is unyielding. It assures us that when we place our faith in Him, we can trust in His sovereignty and control over every aspect of our lives. Through the resurrection of Jesus, Heavenly Father has shown that He is in control even when we may feel the weight of uncertainty, chaos, or despair.

Acts 2:24 illuminates the undeniable truth that Heavenly Father’s dominion extends beyond the boundaries of our comprehension. The resurrection of Jesus Christ serves as a resounding testament to His control over the world. It speaks volumes about His love for humanity and reveals His redemptive plan for all those who place their trust in Him. As we reflect on this scripture, let us find solace and encouragement knowing that the same Heavenly Father who raised Jesus from the dead is in control of our lives.

God means what He says and says what He means! My hermeneutics are “literal”, however, that being said…study the scriptures yourself and make up your own mind! Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit…

Author: Grace ~ DLM

Jesus is first in my life, and as a result, my existence in this world is bearable; I want nothing less than every day of my life to bring Him glory. I'm in continuous watch and prayer for Him to come again. My desire is to share the Kingdom of God with anyone who will listen...time is short...He's coming soon! I love the beauty of the planet He created for humanity. I know that some day when He comes again He'll destroy it, but in the meantime I do my best to treat His gift with respect. I love people, animals, birds, trees (I'm a tree hugger), flowers (roses are my favorite), the snow, the rain, the wind, and the sunshine. I realize how blessed I am to be living now and also blessed to be born in a country that allows freedom of speech and religion! Free to share my thoughts and illumination. I also realize that there are consequences to everything that I share with you, so I'll always ask for God's wisdom while writing and before I publish. ALL questions are welcome! I can't promise I'll be able to give you the answer you want, but I'll answer honestly and with scriptures from the Bible. I use both the KJV and the HCSB as my resources.